Top 5 Natural Memory Boosters

Jan 26, 2025

If you’re like most Americans, you’ve got a lot going on. Statistics show that our schedules are fuller than ever and that we’re struggling to find balance with our time. According to ABC News, 20% of Americans work at least 49 hours a week. A little less than half of that work 59 or more.

Beyond work, US citizens also report high levels of stress with family life. A Gallup poll reveals that 55% of parents with young children feel there isn’t enough time in the day.

If you’re in a busy period of your life, then one of the most difficult challenges can be remembering everything you need to do. It’s easy to feel helpless when it comes to being forgetful.

The good news is that there are things you can do to optimize your mental performance. Healthy lifestyle choices can benefit your state of mind and impact your memory. Herbal supplements can be a key factor. Here is a list of the top 5 Natural Memory Enhancers that could help you overcome forgetfulness and stay sharp.


5 Natural Memory Enhancers


In the right amount, this nutrient can help increase blood flow and circulation to the brain, which can help boost your cognitive function. Aceytl-L-Carnitine also elevates your level of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is critical for memory function.


Phosphatidylserine (PS)

Phosphatidylserine is one of the key building blocks for your billions of brain cells. It’s also involved in the upkeep and restoration of nerve cell membranes. Some studies have indicated that Phosphatidylserine may have some promising cognitive effects. A 2014 trial revealed that participants who took the ingredient demonstrated higher scores on memory tests.


Panax Ginseng

Known as “True Ginseng” or “Asian Ginseng,” this plant may relieve fatigue and aid in quality of life. A study revealed that when taken with Ginkgo Biloba, Panax Ginseng participants scored significantly higher on an Index of Memory Quality.


Gingko Biloba

This herb is derived from one of the oldest known tree species in the world! Used medicinally in China for thousands of years, Gingko Biloba promotes blood flow in small vessels and increases circulation to the brain. This natural ingredient may not only boost memory, but it may also help protect the brain as you age.


Rhodiola Rosea

This herb, known as Arctic Root, may help promote physical and mental vitality. Grown in high altitudes of Siberia, this ingredient has also yielded hopeful results in clinical trials. In a Harvard Magazine article, Dr. Hanna Zwaka reported that Rhodiola has been linked to higher cognitive function in rats, as well as boosted short-term memory. Dr. Zwaka says that the tests may also indicate cognitive benefits for humans.

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