The Health Benefits of Black Pepper

Aug 08, 2024


Did you know that Black pepper is great for your health? The active compound in the black pepper berries (known as piperine) improves the absorption of other nutrients and is even good for your brain.


What is Piperine (black pepper) used for?

Black pepper is primarily used to enhance bioavailability in supplements such as Procera Proclarity. Recent research studies have shown that Black pepper extract can boost the bioavailability of other ingredients by 40-50%! So what does this exactly mean? It means that it helps you to absorb other nutrients better in products such as Procera ProClarity.

 Recent research studies have shown that Black pepper extract can boost the bioavailability of other ingredients by 40-50%!


How Does It Work?

So how does Black pepper help your body to absorb other nutrients? Through a process that is known as thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is a vital part of the digestive process and by amplifying it, you can boost absorption of other nutrients. Black pepper supplies your body with a higher amount of thermal energy. This thermal energy powers the thermogenesis process. This in turn leads to an increase of your body’s demand for nutrients, which spurs metabolism. So without this added demand, your body would simply say no to the nutrients it does not think that it needs at that moment.

Other Health Benefits
  • Boost Metabolism - thermogenesis is an important process that occurs within cells and is responsible for the production of energy and heat. Black pepper helps increase energy production in cells, which in turn can increase metabolism. A more responsive metabolism can allow individuals to achieve their weight loss goals at a faster rate.

  • Mental Health - helps increase the production of key neurotransmitters involved in mood support such as dopamine and serotonin.

  • Immune System - possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help stabilize the immune system.

Pine Bark Extract is available in Procera Proclarity.

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